Protein - Choosing the right building blocks
PROTEIN IS ONE OF THE KEY NUTRIENTS your body needs to support muscle growth and repair, to form neurotransmitters in the brain, and to create hormones. Protein serves as the source for the amino acids your body craves after you train. Since growth occurs after you lift, it only makes sense that you give your body a constant supply of protein to make sure there is a constant supply of amino acids.
The trick for a bodybuilder is making sure to consume different types of protein. Different proteins are made up of different concentrations of amino acids, but some protein sources lack certain amino acids.With regard to muscle growth, the value of a particular protein depends on the proportion or number of essential amino acids it contains. Most animal-based proteins are high in these particular amino acids, while vegetable source proteins tend to lack at least one of the essential amino acids.
200-pound athlete would have the protein requirements as follows
Consume three to four whole-food meals and two to three supplement meals each day, as this will provide you the best balance of Macrobolic Nutrition. Remember, different protein sources have different concentrations of amino acids. By rotating food and supplement meals and eating every two to three and a half hours, you will minimize any
limiting of amino acids, maximize the supply of critical amino acids, and keep your muscles primed for growth!
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