
How important is Warm Up

If you are eager to start workout and skip a warm-up, But warming up before you exercise  has very real physiological, and often psychological, benefits. Here's what to know to get the most out of your warm-up.

Benefits of a Proper Warm-Up
Warming up prepares your heart, lungs, and muscles for the more strenuous phase, the main focus of your workout. Here are the specifics of what happens to your body during a warm-up:

  • Muscle temperature increases
  • Blood temperature rises
  • The range of motion increases
  • You avoid overheating
  • Hormonal changes occur

Warming up shows your body some love. As your body temperature increases you’ll loosen your joints and increase blood flow to your muscles. That means less stress on joints and tendons. Warm, well-lubricated joints prepare the body to execute sudden and/or explosive movements with ease. You’ll reduce the likelihood of acute injury and perform with greater power, too. Warm muscles also reduce the incidence of overuse injuries.

Make warming up a standard part of your fitness routine. Doing so will reduce the likelihood of injury, improve performance and make exercise more fun. Giving your body time to adjust to an increased workload will make you a better athlete.

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